Company Overview


2000.3. Joint research with professor Choung, Pill-Hoon, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Seoul National University
2001.3. Joint research and development of artificial eardrums with professor Choung, Yeon Hoon of Department of Otolaryngology, Ajou University School of Medicine
2005.3. Established Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Laboratory at the Department of Biosystems & Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
  • Development of accelerating tech. for proliferation & differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells and their application
  • Research project on bone cement development (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
  • Dental tissue regeneration research project (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
  • Development of bone substitutes using horse bones (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Affairs)
  • Development of artificial eardrums for the treatment of acute otitis media (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
  • Development of artificial eardrums for the treatment of chronic otitis (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
  • Development of VBPEA gene carrier and development of nano-anticancer drug
  • Development of VBPdXYP gene carrier and development of nano-anticancer drug
  • Patent registration of bone substitutes and bone cement in Korea (Registration number: 1014734470000, 1020120094547)
  • Patent registration of artificial eardrum membrane using chitosan (Registration number: 1010704110000, 1012539830000)
  • Patent registeration of a spindle type PCL artificial eardrum for treating chronic otitis media (Registration number: 1017879050000)
  • Applied for a patent of a spindle-type PCL artificial eardrum for treatment of chronic otitis media (USA, Europe)
2018.1. Development of VBPEA gene carrier and its application as anticancer drug
2018.7. Obtained GMP license for producing EB-Mesh absorbable periodontal regeneration induction material
2018.10. Development of VBPdXYP gene carrier and its application as an anticancer drug
2018.11. Confirmation of preliminary venture for ELBIO Inc. by Technology Guarantee Fund
2019.4. Established in 200-2205, Dept. of Biosystems & Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
2019.9. Selected as a '2019 Early Technology Startup Package Business' of the Ministry of SMEs and Startup (Evaluated as a Excellent Co., 2020.6)
2019.11. Selected as a 'U-Tech Valley Business' of the Korea Technology Finance Corporation
2019.11. Approved as a 'Venture Company' of the Korea Technology Finance Corporation
2019.11. The 'Research Institute' of ELBIO Inc. was approved by KOITA.
2020.1~ Gene delivery carriers are manufactured under a GMP of a pharmacy company and tested in safety.